T H E E V E R L A S T I N G g O S P E L F O R T H E W O R L D T O D A Y
Wednesday, September 12, 2016
May 20, 2018
FAMILY Families are extremely important to God. If you will look at the Old Testament stories, you can see that the names of the families are listed and the lineage is established by the patriarchs. God made a promise to Abraham that his seed will be blessed. This was before Abraham had any children. He was old and his wife was barren. They were at an age when they were considered well past child bearing years. It took faith for Abraham to believe God and proceed in life expecting to receive the promise. Abraham was known as a righteous man. His righteousness was not based on how good he was or how well he behaved. It solely rested on the fact that he was a man that heard God's voice and believed. His faith was accounted to him as righteousness. God blessed Abraham by fulfilling the promise. A child was born to the aged man and his barren wife Sarah who was very old. God promised that patriarch that through his seed all of the people of the world will be blessed. and it came to pass. Jesus was the promised seed of Abraham. The one who would come to take away the sin of the world. From the seed of Abraham came the anointed one. Jesus the Christ. He came in the flesh to redeem all mankind from the curse of the law. He was in the likeness of sinful flesh but without sin. Jesus, took on the sin of all mankind, thus paying the penalty for sin. He removed the curse and gave humanity free access to God. This is how the seed of Abraham has blessed the entire world. And the promise also extended to all people through time and eternity. The scripture teaches us that Abraham's faith in God was accounted to him for righteousness. Therefore if anyone is in Christ (through faith) is of the seed of faithful Abraham, and heirs according to the promise of God. One man's faith has blessed multitudes, as many as the sands of the seas and the stars in the sky. Gen.12:2-3 Gen. 17:2 Gal. 3:6-9. Gal. 3:29 |
God has given you life. He also bought you with a price. He lured you and drew you by His Spirit to receive Eternal life When you receive Jesus the Christ into your heart He is glad to be there. He was manifested in the flesh To destroy the work of the devil. Some say that they don't need Jesus. They can handle their lives alone. But reality shows that's not true. Humanity is incapable of healing itself from the blot and spot of sin. Our sinful nature is evidenced in all that we do think and say. It takes Jesus to show us the way. He gave His life and paid the price for your life. The word of God declares that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. And the wages of sin is death. Jesus died so that we all can live. Think about it. What does He require of the believers? That we continue in His word that we may know the Truth and be made free. And be willing to let Him use you to share the good news of salvation. Humans are not responsible to save themselves. They cannot. But it is neither necessary because Jesus paid it all. So we share the good news of our salvation with others. Family first. Then the neighborhood the community the town city state region and to the whole world. We also move in love for God and our fellow man. We teach our loved ones about our savior. We teach our children in order for the good news to go forward into next generations. The responsibility of the believer is great. Yet it is a joyful journey to plant the seed of the gospel into the hearing of those who still sit in darkness. Faith comes by hearing Hearing the word of God But how can they hear without a preacher? Someone has to tell about Jesus' sacrifice. How about you? As we proceed in life anchored in the promises of God we can make an impact on the lives of many people. Just by sharing Jesus. We edify and build up one another. We pray for each other and share the love of God. We see needs and intervene by inviting Christ the anointed one to help us. Our families can make a difference in the world. Our prayers can move mountains. Our love can change lives. Will you allow God to use you to share the good news?