<![CDATA[THE FIRST AND THE LAST MINISTRIES - Blog]]>Fri, 10 May 2024 22:31:42 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[hearing god's voice]]>Tue, 28 Mar 2017 03:11:52 GMThttp://thefirstandthelastministries.com/blog/hearing-gods-voice<![CDATA[KNOWING GOD'S VOICE]]>Tue, 28 Mar 2017 02:37:06 GMThttp://thefirstandthelastministries.com/blog/knowing-gods-voiceWe are studying about the ability to hear God's voice.  When I was not yet saved, I never understood people who said, "God spoke to me and told me ..."  I wondered why would they say such things.  At the time I didn't really understand anything about God.  I wasn't sure that He existed.  When the Lord called me to enter His plan of salvation, by asking Jesus to come into my life, and be the head of my life, I found out that God was real, and that He speaks, listens and answers prayer. 

​During a time of crisis in my life, I stumbled on a book titled "Talking with God."  I still was uncertain about believing that God had a audible voice and that He could talk and listen.  I read part of the book, and began talking to Him.  He began to answer me.  This was amazing.  I kept on talking and found that I had a friend who cares, understands me, and loves me.  That was over 25 years ago. 

​Today, I am confident that God hears me, and speaks to me when I need to hear His voice.  My relationship with Him has matured over the years, and I rest in His faithfulness toward me.  We are studying about the man of valor, Gideon whose story begins in chapter 6 of the Book of Judges.  He was a man who established victory in his life and the life of God's people, because he learned to hear God's voice.

​Gideon challenged God to prove to him that it was really Him talking.  God agreed to the test and established that His voice was who Gideon was hearing.  Then Gideon was confident in obtaining and following instructions.  He had the victory in defeating the enemy.  I want to have victory in my life and ministry.  I want to do things God's way because He knows what is best.  Therefore, I must seek His face, and listen for His voice. 

​I will be praying that more people who love the Lord will listen for His voice.  There are so many instructions that He wants to give His children, but they refuse to hear Him.  Let us not be weary in doing well.  Let us determine in our hearts and minds to develop a listening ear, and a willing heart to obey our heavenly Father.
<![CDATA[HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017  FROM US TO YOU]]>Wed, 11 Jan 2017 16:09:39 GMThttp://thefirstandthelastministries.com/blog/happy-new-year-2017-from-us-to-youWe are grateful to join you in celebrating another year of life in the land of the living on earth.  God has been good to us, and we are grateful and thankful.  We hope that you all are happy, healthy, and enjoying the best that God has to offer. 

Although time is moving quickly, we have the assurance that God is the same.  He never changes.  As you read scripture, you will notice that everything that God has spoken is a sure word of prophecy.  His word goes out and it does not return unto Him void. 

​I am praying that this New Year, 2017 will be a time when we all grow closer to God.  He is there for us, waiting with everlasting outstretched arms for His creation, man, whom He made in His own image and likeness to turn to Him for all things.

​Sometimes it's hard to get into the habit of reading and studying scripture, especially if you have never done it before.  But you can train yourself to do anything. Reading the bible will help you draw closer to God.  If you have faith and the desire to know more about your creator and what He expects from you, just begin to read the bible, and pray for understanding.  Soon you will find that God will communicate with you personally.  He will draw nearer to you as you draw nearer to Him. 

​Have a blessed and prosperous 2017, and whatever you do, don't do it without the Lord! 

​Prophetess Dora Adams
